Your home is part of who you are. An unfinished place reflects an unfinished personality. It's not all that uncommon for a person in their first few years away from parents, but the older we get, the more we care about our living space.
I've been in my present house for 2 years, but I'm packing up to leave it now, since I finished my MFA coursework. In those 2 years, I've filled this little house with furniture (including some I built myself), art, cooking and entertaining gear (just in time for the pandemic), food, wine, and naturally books. I have curtains on my windows, and I had soap before I had a table or a chair. Now I'm going to have to move or give away a lot of stuff, but it was worth the effort to create a space that I was happy coming home to every day.
We can disagree about the importance of coasters and coffee tables, and pets and snacks are lifestyle choices. But no soap? Okay, we need to talk.