
Your article interests me for multiple reasons. I think you're right about why women are more hesitant to take the risk (rejection) that men have always taken in the past, but I don't know if that's why the men in your dating circles are more patient. It may be that you're just really good at picking men who appreciate and respect your independence and the fact that you own your life.

Nonmonogamy seems to me a healthy trend, whether in the form that you enjoy of 1 primary partner + several FWBs, or clearly defined polyamorous circles, or full-blown group marriages. What I especially admire about the connections you describe is that you seem to have real friendships with your occasional partners.

In a future where gender no longer limits opportunity or power, I expect monogamy will cease to dominate our relationship goals.



Edward Robson, PhD, MFA
Edward Robson, PhD, MFA

Written by Edward Robson, PhD, MFA

Former psychologist, wordsmith, teacher, learner. Top writer in feminism, relationships, poetry, and other topics. ECRobson@gmail.com

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