You really need to take the time to understand what you are reading before beginning to compose a comment. If you had read my essay carefully, you would know:

a) that I have deep respect for many Christian congregations and denominations, based on decades of whole-hearted participation in the best of what religion had to offer,

and b) that my criticism was focused specifically on the evangelical right wing of Christianity in the US, which has politicized church membership to such an extent that many Americans now assume that being a Christian automatically means being not just a Republican but a bigot.

You are welcome to disagree or to criticize. But please be sure what you attack is something that I actually said.

Edward Robson, PhD, MFA
Edward Robson, PhD, MFA

Written by Edward Robson, PhD, MFA

Former psychologist, wordsmith, teacher, learner. Top writer in feminism, relationships, poetry, and other topics.

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