You know I am a great admirer of your writing and your mind, so I hope you will not take offense when I suggest you write about the subjects you actually know about. Your opinions on this topic shed light only on your opinionated ignorance.
I have written all kinds of poetry, some with rhyme and meter, some employing others from among the many poetic tools, free verse, blank verse, spoken word . . . Very little of my poetry evokes angst or depression, and nearly all of it is easy to understand.
I am well aware of how much pretentious nonsense is being published these days in some of the highbrow poetry journals specializing in experimental verse forms. But I am also aware of the thousands of talented poets whose work adds meaning to the lives of countless readers. Who are you to malign us all, just because you don't care for figuration?
While I'm at it, I should also point out how much crappy prose is also being published, as I'm sure you are aware.
Please, Tessa. You write so incisively about politics, social trends, and many other aspects of culture and community. But you don't know jack about poetry, so please stop slandering those of us who do.