
Yes, I know the sound of crickets. I get it with most of what I publish here. Poetry especially, I don't know why I bother.

For some reason, not everyone is thrilled by the idea of a walk. Go figure. I love walking, and a walk in pleasant company is irresistible. I wasn't expecting the bonus video, a treat I'll be replaying when I have more time.

50? I wish. It will be 35 in Conway tonight, and we've had several nights in single digits since I've been here. Snow is rare but not unheard of. And I'd call the summers blistering if I hadn't lived a year in Tucson once upon a time. Are you in a part of Cal that actually gets cold?

I learned to memorize in 3rd grade in vacation church school, where you got candy for reciting Bible verses. Practiced over the years, acting in plays and competing in poetry slams. Give me a day or two to review, and I'll recite an hour and a half of my own poetry and another hour of other people's. Sometimes I can even remember things that are actually useful.



Edward Robson, PhD, MFA

Former psychologist, wordsmith, teacher, learner. Top writer in feminism, relationships, poetry, and other topics. ECRobson@gmail.com