Wise? I wouldn't go that far. But this question does ring some bells from my days as a clinician.
He's an alcoholic with 3 years of sobriety. He'd love to regain some of what his drinking cost him. He'd love to go back to having you take care of him.
But what's in it for you, Klara Jane?
If you're really dying to spend time with him because you genuinely enjoy his company, then by all means do so. But take it slow. Real slow. Don't let him move in with you, and for God's sake don't marry him again.
If he's serious about his sobriety and working his AA steps, he'll understand why he must handle his own living situation, job, bills, transportation, etc., just as you've been doing in his absence. He has to demonstrate that he can maintain the discipline of adulting every day, while also dealing with the challenges of being in a relationship, AND cope with life's inevitable stresses in ways that don't involve substance abuse or other unhealthy behavior.
If he's pressuring you to go back to cohabitation right away, that proves he's looking for a bottle surrogate--an unhealthy dependency (on you) that distracts him from the hard work of sobriety and virtually guarantees he'll drink again. And blame you when he starts.
You also seem to have a good head on your shoulders, and she seems to be warning you to take his promises with many grains of salt. Listen to her.