To quote Chuck Close, "Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." Close was a visual artist, but I think the same applies to writing, even poetry.
That said, one cannot and should not do nothing but write. The creative machine must be fed. Reading, exposure to other arts (music, drama, painting, cinema), social intercourse, nature, cooking, meditation. Two of my favorite ways to prime the pump are gardening and building things with wood.
For me, creation begins with figuring out what I want to say, then what form such a message needs to take. Some things are best said in poetry. Another idea will be most effectively realized in a stage play. Fiction is my prime obsession at this time, especially novels, but I'm always up to pen an essay.
Writer's block won't happen if you're willing to write crap. It worked for Ernest Hemingway, for Anne Lamott, for me, for every writer committed to beginning somewhere and refining later.