Thank you so much, Annie, for taking the time to comment.
Actually, there is no shortage here of admirable Christian congregations. As I explained in my article, I grew up in good churches--nothing like the right-wing monstrosities that dominate our political landscape--and have many friends who are still members of the churches where I was a leader before I found it necessary to leave. I did not leave because my local church was uninspiring, but because all Christian churches in the US--even the good ones--are part of an establishment that has gone the wrong direction.
One line I recall from the Baptismal Covenant in the Episcopal Church asks: "Do you renounce the evil powers of this world which corrupt and destroy the creatures of God?" Since the political entity that is the Christian Church in the United States has become one of those powers, I must renounce it.
Fortunately, I have found a happy non-Christian church home with the Unitarian Universalists. Just like the Christian churches where I had found family before, this fellowship represents my values, while clearly standing opposed to the powers I must oppose.
I'm glad you have that also. I have great respect for the good the RC Church has done in many places, and I'm glad to hear it is a force for good in NZ.