
Sandra Cisneros, Allison Joseph, Joe Maginnes, Terry Kirby Erickson, Loren Eiseley, Carl Sandburg, Pablo Neruda, Billy Collins, Geffrey Davis, Ada Limon, Robert Frost, Joseph Mills, Mark Smith-Soto, Gabrielle Brant Freeman. Also spoken word artists Patricia Smith, Lisa Chavez, and Taylor Mali.

https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=skinhead+poem+patricia+smith&docid=608046083673824997&mid=5FB1B2BA5D9D25B9F1A35FB1B2BA5D9D25B9F1A3&view=detail&FORM=VIRE (warning: intense and definitely nsfw)

Or check out any of the poetry at Arkana (arkanamag.org), where I was poetry editor for my last 3 semesters of grad school. No sunsets or butterflies.



Edward Robson, PhD, MFA
Edward Robson, PhD, MFA

Written by Edward Robson, PhD, MFA

Former psychologist, wordsmith, teacher, learner. Top writer in feminism, relationships, poetry, and other topics. ECRobson@gmail.com

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