My compliments on an interesting article.
As I see it, the commenter was being presumptuous by assuming they knew your background just because they saw your name and a (tiny) picture of you. Also rude to other readers by showing off and writing in a language most cannot decipher. So yes, you had a reason to be annoyed with them.
I would not call such errors racist, though. Racism, as I understand it, is behavior that participates in the system that oppresses other racial groups. In this case, the commenter was assuming nothing about you except that you were bilingual, which most people would regard as admirable.
Personally, I am always pleasantly surprised whenever I hear an American making an effort to say anything in words that are not English, just because it is so rare. Our blatant chauvinism sees no reason to teach our children more than the barest smattering of other languages, making us the only developed country where even educated citizens are monolingual.
Just my $0.02 worth.