I'm a believer in dictation software--for other writers. Tried for years to use it for reports in my former career as a psychologist, eventually achieving some degree of competency, but the wordsmith in me just can't get used to processing language in a linear manner. I need to massage every line.
The quote taped to the wall above my computer is by Harry Mathews: "What matters most is to get the sentences right, one after the other; they have to ring true, as though sound and sense were one and the same."
Those of us who can't get past our need to create with words just have to find a way. My thesis novel kept me typing 2 -4 hours a day for a full semester, then probably 1-2 hr/day the next semester for rewrites and revisions. (And that was less than half my work each term.)
But when the story is flowing, the aches of aging body just remind me that I'd better tell my stories now, because my time is limited.