
I was busy and preoccupied when I got your last communication, so I just saw this tonight.

I will have more thoughts to share when I've had more time to absorb your poem, but my first reaction is definitely positive. I like the structure, the patterns, and the flow.

I also like the way the title reflects the content. The unnamed--but presumably catastrophic--event or action was the result (the echo) of an uncontrolled thought.

The main weakness I detect is that the language is abstract. Aside from the lovely metaphor of the sapling, the reader has no sensory content, so we have to guess what sort of experience provoked this burst of creativity.

Anyway, if this is your first poetic effort, I am impressed!



Edward Robson, PhD, MFA

Former psychologist, wordsmith, teacher, learner. Top writer in feminism, relationships, poetry, and other topics. ECRobson@gmail.com