I too, Mysterious, could happily spend hours pleasuring a lover without seeking reciprocation, but for two reasons, neither of which is on your list.
One, a woman's body is to me one of the marvels of existence, and her yoni in particular is endlessly fascinating. To fill my senses with her femininity is a gourmet dinner, fine wine, and an art museum rolled into one. Add to that the music of her ecstasy--who could ask for more?
And two, there is enormous gratification in the power to give pleasure, especially to someone I love. There's nothing selfless or sacrificial about the experience. I take pride in my oral and manual skills, and in the ability to sense her pleasure rising, hold her near the peak, and draw her climax out for minutes at a time. What could be more satisfying than to rock a lovely person's world?
In my book, it is not self-denial to save my own climax for another day. I am pleasuring my lover, and I don't want her waiting her turn or saving her strength, but only receiving the gift I'm giving her.
I don't know how paying for it changes the dynamics, but I know I'm not the only man who feels this way about cunnilingus. It seems to me, sex is just as much about the giving as the getting, and the pleasure I can offer to someone deserving of that gift is not so different from the joy of intercourse, fellatio, or any other way we play together.