I agree. Men are stubborn. (All together now: "No, we aren't!) Relinquishing power is not in their nature. That's a large part of why they resist feminism, no matter how much sense it makes--to them, it feels like losing.
Popular poster back in the day, when we called it women's lib: "For a woman to get half as much credit as a man, she has to work twice as hard, and be twice as smart. Fortunately, that isn't difficult." -Charlotte Witton
We (feminists) will prevail in the long run, for the same reasons women have made so many gains already. One is economic: women represent a huge resource, and no country that fails to tap that resource can compete for long. Another is that most girls grow up and become reliable and resourceful adults, while more and more boys are resisting the pressure to mature and take on the burden of accountability, nor the burden of learning how to get along with others. And finally, women are wising up and opting out of institutions (especially marriage) that are stacked against them. Men need women far more than vice versa.
Confident? Moi? Surely you jest! I'm nearly 70, fresh out of MFA school, hardly any publications, no money in the bank to speak of, facing down a country in decline, a global pandemic, and a planet that needs our species like a dog needs fleas. I'm whistling past the graveyard most days. I feel all the time like Elisa Chavez in January of 2017 after 45's inauguration.
I'm well aware that most of what is wrong is the handiwork of folks who look like me, but I defected from the Evil Empire in my youth, and it's way too late to go back now.