Great story, artfully crafted. I really like your writing style.

As for your conclusions about the man, my inner jury is still out. People are complicated and contradictory, and a high percentage of our behavior is opportunistic rather than planful.

So it could well be that he saw you first as a romantic/sexual opportunity, genuinely enjoyed your company and liked you as a person, and only later chose to try to squeeze some money out of you. Not saying that's what happened--you're in a far better position to judge that--but it would be perfectly consistent with the story as you've told it here.

In any case, thanks for sharing a fascinating story. I'm sorry Costa Rica didn't agree with you. I just fell in love with Guatemala and will be returning soon for an extended stay.

Edward Robson, PhD, MFA
Edward Robson, PhD, MFA

Written by Edward Robson, PhD, MFA

Former psychologist, wordsmith, teacher, learner. Top writer in feminism, relationships, poetry, and other topics.

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