Excellent insights. I go further with regard to poetry--I think every writer needs to write it and revise it, for the discipline of listening to and valuing each word and phrase.
My favorite book on writing craft is Roy Peter Clark's Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer. He does acknowledge writer's block, and discusses strategies to overcome it, but he also calls it a self-con and an excuse for not writing. Quoting another writer (Roger Simon), he says, "'Why should I get writer's block? My father never got truck driver's block.'"
That's my main strategy, to treat my writing as a job. Tell the damn story. Forget about my self-conscious posturings and set down the information, the narrative, the quirky insight that is pushing out a poem, or whatever it is that I want to say. Once it's down in words, I can smith those words into a work of art.