Effective treatment for ASD is multimodal and tailored to the individual's needs and situation. An occupational therapist is often one of the key players on the team. Brushing, swinging, weighted jackets and blankets, training in muscular relaxation, walking and running gait, even eating and nutrition. Speech and language therapy often begins with pragmatics like looking toward the person you are talking to. Social skills including how to pay attention to others' body language. Case management to coordinate with educational and medical professionals and family members. Play therapy for children, individual psychotherapy when they get old enough to talk about feelings and personal goals and problem solving. Medication may be indicated to reduce the impact of overwhelming anxiety or other symptoms. Behavioral interventions may be helpful when stimming is severe and disruptive. In teens and adults a lot of my focus is educational, to learn about their nervous systems and develop strategies for planning and putting together the kind of life they want.
Coulter Video is a good resource.