A bit harsh, but I suppose you didn't like my article, and you are certainly entitled to a different opinion. I am an unapologetic feminist--have been since I was old enough to grasp the fact that "women's libbers" were fighting for everyone's freedom from sex-role pigeonholes.
No, a guy doesn't have to be rich or unusually handsome to get dates, just interesting and interested. Just look around at couples and you'll see how many non-Chads are doing fine. Tinder is a meat market where looks rule, but there are other apps where you can make your case in words, as well as a world full of people doing stuff.
And yes, there are a lot of lonely women who will take exception with your assumptions about how easy they have it.
I have great sympathy for people who feel rejected, but none for those who let their feelings turn into misogyny and fantasies of violence.
I've admired your articles for a long time, Meghan, and I appreciate the history you brought to this one. But I can't support your conclusions here about incels, men's rights, or feminism.